Sunday, August 31, 2008

HANDVO--Lentil Cake---Gujerati

Rice 1 measure
Chana dal 1 "

Arhar dal 1/2 "
Udad dhuli 1/2 "
Soak the above fo r 6-7 hrs. and grind to a coarse paste. To it add 1/2 measure of dahi, 1 tblspn of oil, 1 tblspn sugar, hing, 2 tblspn methiseeds, little water and beat to a thickish consistency.Keep aside inwarm place for 10-12 hrs. or overnight to ferment.
Next add salt to taste, chilli pdr., haldi, dhana pdr. about 2 tblspns., adrak-green chilli paste and mix well. Grease a pan, pour in this batter and steam for 20-25 mins or till done.
Next, prepare tadka by heating about 2-3 tblspn oil. Add dry red chillies.rai and lightly roasted til seeds and pour over the handvo.
Now put under a grill in the oven till a golden crust forms on top. Turn out and cut when cold.
Alternatively the handvo can be baked in which case pour the tadka on top before baking.
Vegetables such as grated lauki, grated carrot, peas, boiled corn kernels can also be added to the batter before cooking.

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